Garhwa (Jharkhand):Jharkhand's Meral police on Monday lodged an FIR against an accused who allegedly hammered nails into a man's feet with an intention of murder here in the Meral police station area. A police official said that the victim is identified as Basruddin and around three days back, there was a financial dispute between the victim's child and the accused's child at Idgah Tola near the headquarters in the Meral police station area.
Nails hammered into man's feet over financial dispute
A police official said that the victim was identified as Basruddin and around three days back, there was a financial dispute between the victim's child and the accused's child at Idgah Tola near the headquarters in the Meral police station area.
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Later, Basruddin, on Monday, was kidnapped by unidentified men on a bike and was beaten, hammered nails into his feet and when he lost consciousness, he was dumped at a deserted place. The victim Basruddin called his family when he gained consciousness and his relatives rushed him to Garhwa Sadar Hospital for treatment. The victim's mother has also appealed to the police for protection while the police are on a hunt to nab the accused.