New Delhi:During the proceedings of the Lok Sabha on Thursday, BJP MP from Jharkhand's Godda Nishikant Dubey accused the Trinamool Congress of being 'allergic to all the Hindi-speaking people' and termed Mahua Moitra's remark as an "attack on Bihar's pride". Condemning the TMC MP's remark, Dubey said that such statements are likely to spread hatred. He also stated that he has submitted all the facts related to the matter to Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla and demanded an apology from Mahua Moitra over her remarks.
This comes a day after BJP MP Nishikant Dubey claimed that Moitra had called him a 'Bihari gunda' during a meeting of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Information Technology. Taking to social media, Dubey said that Moitra's 'abusive language' has brought out into the open TMC's hatred towards North Indians, especially Hindi speaking people. "Lok Sabha Speaker Ji heard abuse for the first time in my 13 years of parliamentary life. TMC member Mahua Moita said 'Bihari Gunda' thrice in the meeting of the IT Committee. Om Birla Ji, Shashi Tharoor Ji has taken the contract to end this parliamentary tradition," the BJP leader said in a tweet.
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Meanwhile, Moitra also took to Twitter, and said, "Am a bit amused by charges of name-calling. IT meeting did not happen because NO quorum - members did not attend. How can I call someone a name who was not even present!! Check attendance sheet!" she tweeted. In absence of the quorum, a meeting of the 31-member Parliamentary Standing Committee on Information Technology led by Congress leader Shashi Tharoor to discuss the Pegasus snooping case with ministry officials was not held.
Notably, Mahua Moitra's alleged statement against Nishikant Dubey has stirred the political corridors. All political parties including BJP, JDU, RJD and Congress have termed the remark as an insult to Bihar. While some of them demanded the TMC MP to apologize, Congress asked Moitra to get her brain test done. Bihar BJP MLA Hari Bhushan Thakur Bachol said such an unparliamentary statement will not be tolerated. Strict action should be taken against the TMC MP or else a befitting reply will be given, he added.