New Delhi: The last day of the year and the first day of the new year are dreaded days in Assam’s calendar, a state known for its love for "the bottle". The number of deaths just due to drunken driving in these two days invariably spill into three figures.
The sheer enormity of the number of deaths and vehicle accidents on these two days has got full attention of the Assam Police this time around where a different strategy has to be devised by a force long used to combating insurgency that had affected the state for decades.
“This New Year’s Eve try not to be our guests, free entry for rash drivers, drunk drivers, other eligible violators,” reads a Whatsapp message posted by Assam Police in a quirky message to irresponsible and especially drunk revelers on New Year’s Day. This and many similar messages have gone viral.
A wizened Saddam Hussain, driving his battered Maruti Ritz cab, mouthed: “Assam Police has successfully put the scare into people of driving drunk. Besides being locked up, the enormity of fines imposed and the cumbersome process of going to courts to retrieve the seized documents like driving licenses and registration papers has truly hit home. No one wants to drink and drive now.”
“There’s been a lot of talk about it in the drivers’ community. All of us are very happy about it as we have seen so many vehicle accidents and deaths right before our eyes in especially on December 31 and January 1,” he added.
Speaking to ETV Bharat, the state’s DGP Bhaskarjyoti Mahanta said, “we have launched a big time and very focused effort to beat deaths due to vehicle accidents that are caused by drunkenness. It is a process initiated by the chief minister and the Assam Police has jumped headlong into it.”