Jalandhar: An ASI of the Economic Crimes Branch has been arrested by the Punjab Police Vigilance Bureau team for allegedly taking a bribe of Rs 40,000. The accused identified as ASI Charanjit Singh of the Economic Crimes Branch allegedly took the money as a bribe from a car dealer Mukesh Kumar in Ludhiana to take action against a woman from Jalandhar over a dispute regarding an SUV.
ASI arrested for taking Rs 40,000 bribe in Punjab
Kumar, resident of New Kichlu Nagar, Ludhiana said he bought the SUV from Kaur, a resident of Maqsooda area of Jalandhar last year and an agreement was made to pay Rs 5 lakh down payment in cash and rest in installments. However the deal did not work and Kumar later lodged a complaint with the Jalandhar Police Commissionerate where accused ASI Charanjit Singh demanded Rs 1 lakh from Kumar to take action against Kaur after which the deal was finalized at Rs 40,000.
Also read: Punjab: Vigilance arrests Intelligence officer for accepting bribe of Rs 3 lakh
Kumar, a resident of New Kichlu Nagar, Ludhiana, said he bought the SUV from Kaur, a resident of Maqsooda area of Jalandhar last year and an agreement was made to pay Rs 5 lakh down payment in cash and the rest in installments. However, the deal did not work and Kumar later lodged a complaint with the Jalandhar Police Commissionerate where accused ASI Charanjit Singh demanded Rs 1 lakh from Kumar to take action against Kaur after which the deal was finalised at Rs 40,000. Kumar lodged a complaint with the Vigilance Department and the Vigilance Department, along with its staff and witnesses, arrested ASI Charanjit Singh for accepting a bribe of Rs 40,000.