Jaipur: Lokesh Sharma, an officer on special duty to Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, Saturday rejected Union Home Minister Amit Shah's criticism of the state government, saying it has been working to fulfill promises from day one. His rebuttal came hours after the home minister accused the Congress government of not fulfilling the promises made by the party before the 2018 polls.
On Shah asking questions on the promise of "employment to 20 lakh" youths and Rs 3,500 allowance for the unemployed, Sharma said the promise during the 2018 election was to create more and more employment opportunities. "Mr home minister, (it was) not 20 lakhs, it was promised in 2018 to create more and more jobs for the youth. The chief minister has worked accordingly from day one," he tweeted.
"So far, 1.29 lakh youths have been given jobs by the Rajasthan government. One lakh jobs are under process and an announcement to give 1 lakh has been made," he said. On Shah's statement, during a BJP booth level functionaries programme at Jodhpur, he has come to remind Gehlot of his promises made during the assembly elections, Sharma said the CM daily gives an account of his work among the public and in front of the media.
"So far, out of 501 promises of Jan Manifesto, 377 promises (75 percent) have been fulfilled and 104 promises (21 percent) are in progress. The Rajasthan government is working with commitment in every field and for every section," he said. Shah addressed a meeting of booth-level party workers in Jodhpur, the hometown of CM Gehlot on Saturday.
"I am here in Jodhpur to remind you of the promises made by you (Ashok Gehlot) -- loan waiver in 10 days; Rs 3,500 unemployment allowance; and 20 lakh employment to youth. Have you got it?" he asked. Shah also said the Centre reduced taxes on petrol and diesel, after which BJP-ruled states brought down the Value Added Tax, but the Gehlot government did not do so. Fuel and electricity are most expensive in Rajasthhan today, he said. "Who is responsible for this? Oust the Gehlot government and our government here, will reduce tax and tariff of electricity," he said. PTI