Chennai: A 50-year-old labourer who became a social media celebrity in Chennai after posting his dance videos, is in a fix. Ramesh Kumar's former and current wives are engaged in a battle of accusations over who shall the social media star live his life with.
Such is the situation that Ramesh's current wife Inbavalli has even claimed in a police complaint that his second wife kidnapped him. Inbavalli lodged a missing complaint with the Chennai Police Commissioner's office on August 16. In her complaint, she said that on August 11, four people -- Ranjith, Kumar, Jay and Rajkumar -- took Ramesh with them and since then he had not returned home.
Further in her complaint, she alleged that her husband Ramesh has been kidnapped by his ex-wife Chitra after giving him drugs. She also said that when she went to bring back Ramesh, Chitra threatened to kill her. Fearing for her and her children's lives, she did not leave her house for four days. Inbavalli also appealed to the police to provide immediate protection to her and her two daughters and rescue her husband.