Mumbai (Maharashtra):Sameer Wankhede, the Zonal Director of NCB (Anti-Narcotics Squad) speaking to the media on Monday said that actor Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan who was arrested in a cruise drugs party case has been given counselling lessons in general like any other accused.
According to the NCB official, "these counselling lessons are not just for Aryan Khan, they are given to each accused. Young people who are addicted to drugs, especially at a young age, need to get out of it at the same age and that is why they are counselled."
Aryan Khan, who is currently lodged in Arthur Road prison, during counselling reportedly told officials that he would work for the welfare of the poor and shun the wrong path. He further added that he would make everyone proud after his release from jail, sources say.
Read:Aryan Khan drug case: NCB let go 3 detainees, rave party raid 'pre-planned plot', says NCP