New Delhi:After a video caught Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi, on Wednesday, making contentious remarks against residents of states such as Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, political leaders - from both BJP and AAP - slammed his comment as well as Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi's reaction to the comment.
The video, tweeted by Bengaluru BJP MP Tejasvi Surya shows Channi addressing a crowd, pointing towards Priyanka Gandhi, saying, "She is one of us. Priyanka Gandhi is the daughter-in-law for Punjabis. All Punjabis, unite. Bhaiyas from Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Delhi will not be allowed to come and rule here".
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal reacted to the comment. "It is very shameful. We strongly condemn comments aimed at any individual or any particular community. Priyanka Gandhi also belongs to Uttar Pradesh so she is also a 'bhaiya'", Kejriwal said. Captioning the video, meanwhile, Surya too hit out at Priyanka Gandhi, saying "Priyanka Gandhi ji comes to Uttar Pradesh and calls herself the 'daughter of UP', while in Punjab she claps at the disrespect of people from Bihar and UP", referring to Gandhi clapping after Channi's comment.