Itanagar: Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu, who assured to provide a perfect ambience to writers, artistes, researchers and creative minds in Arunachal Pradesh, proposed the establishment of a 'writers' village' in the state.
Khandu made this announcement during the valedictory function of the three-day Arunachal Literature Festival (ALF) here on Saturday night.
Giving an outline of the concept, the CM said that the village, to be established in a suitable place in the state, would be a resort in the laps of nature where writers and artistes can push their creative pursuits in peace and solitude.
Khandu revealed that the 'project' was on his mind for quite some time and said that the occasion was the perfect time to announce it.
"Arunachal has some of the best locations where the mind roams free, hearts beat in perfect rhythm and the soul is at total peace. Writers and artistes just need such an ambience to perfect their art. We will offer it," he said.
According to Kahndu, the 'writers' village' would be a perfect resort with all basic facilities at some remote location, where writers can stay for weeks and months finetuning their creative pursuits.
"I would like to invite all creative minds to avail this facility," he said. The ALF is being attended by more than fifty renowned and budding authors and poets from across the country including those from Arunachal Pradesh. Some of the big names this year are Anand Neelakanthan, Kavita Kane, Preethi Shenoy, Asgar Wajahat, Mahesh Dattani, Janice Pariat and Anuja Chandramouli.
"Literature is a reflection of humanity and a way for us to understand each other. By listening to the voice of another person we can begin to figure out how that individual thinks. I believe that literature is important because of its purpose and in a society, which is becoming increasingly detached from human interaction, novels create a conversation," Khandu said.