New Delhi:The Supreme Court on Friday asked the Gujarat police not to take any coercive steps against two journalists in connection with an article written by them on the Adani-Hindenburg row. A bench comprising justices BR Gavai and PK Mishra issued notice to the Gujarat government on the pleas filed by journalists Ravi Nair and Anand Mangnale. Senior advocate Indira Jaising and advocate Paras Nath Singh appeared for the two journalists.
The bench asked Jaising, representing the journalists, why her clients had moved the apex court directly. Jaising submitted that the notice to appear is completely without jurisdiction. She emphasised that it is nothing but “pure and simple” harassment and a prelude to possible arrest.
Nair and Mangnale moved the apex court challenging the summonses issued by the Ahmedabad crime branch asking them to appear for questioning in connection with a preliminary inquiry into their article published on the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) website.