Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh):Taking umbrage at the Kanpur flare-up on Friday, UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has issued instructions to top police officers to take stringent action against the culprits. Till now, three FIRs have been registered in the matter. Of the three FIR, two were registered by the police. Besides, altogether 18 accused have been rounded up in the incident.
After the eruption of violent clashes between the two communities, on Friday, DGP headquarters, has sought detailed reports from Kanpur Police Commissioner Vijay Singh Meena, asking the latter to furnish where was the lapse that led to the violence in Kanpur on such a large scale. On the other hand, Additional Director General of Police (Law and Order) Prashant Kumar has issued instructions to police officers to take action against the stone-pelters under the Gangster Act, besides the confiscation of their property.