Mumbai:Republic Network's Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami on Friday filed an interim application in Bombay High Court seeking a stay on the filing of his charge sheet filed by the Raigad police in connection with the abetment to suicide case of an interior designer Anvay Naik and his mother Kumud Naik.
Goswami has sought the transfer of the case to Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) or any other independent investigating agencies which is not under the authorisation of the Maharashtra government.
The development comes after Raigad police filed a charge sheet Arnab Goswami and two others in a 2018 abetment of suicide case. The charge sheet was filed before a court in Alibaug in neighbouring Raigad district, where the case for alleged abetment of suicide of interior designer Anvay Naik and his mother Kumud has been registered.
Besides Goswami, the other two accused named in the charge sheet are Firoze Sheikh and Nitish Sarda, said special public prosecutor Pradeep Gharat.