New Delhi: The wife of an Army veteran presented three books written by her late husband, including one on his experiences about the Partition, to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday. Modi said he had a memorable interaction with Uma Suchdeva (90) and noted that her husband, Colonel H K Suchdeva (retd), was a widely respected veteran.
Army veteran's wife give books penned by her husband to PM Modi
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he had a memorable interaction with Uma Suchdeva (90) and noted that her husband, Colonel H K Suchdeva (retd), was a widely respected veteran.
She was accompanied by her nephew and former Army chief General Ved Prakash Malik (retd). She is blessed with great vigour and a spirit of optimism, the prime minister said. "Uma Ji gave me copies of 3 books penned by her late husband. Two of them are associated with the Gita and the third one titled 'Blood and Tears' is a moving account of Col (Retd) HK Suchdeva's experiences during the traumatic period of Partition and its impact on his life," the prime minister said in a tweet.
"We discussed India's decision to mark 14th August as Partition Horrors Remembrance Day as a tribute to those who suffered due to Partition, built their lives from scratch and contributed to national progress. They epitomise human resilience and fortitude," he added. Modi had announced in 2021 that August 14 will be observed as the Partition Horrors Remembrance Day. (PTI)