Srinagar:The Jammu & Kashmir police on Tuesday said it recovered arms and ammunition from an abandoned car the driver of which fled at a checkpoint established by the security forces in south Kashmir’s Anantnag district on Monday night. As per local reports, a team of Anantnag police was on night patrolling near Mehmodabad Dooru when a vehicle coming from opposite direction stopped on seeing the police party. This raised suspicion and police team fired a few rounds in air. However, driver of the vehicle fled from the spot taking advantage of the darkness,” reports said.
Arms and ammunition recovered from abandoned car in south Kashmir's Anantnag: Police
Upon checking of the abandoned vehicle a red coloured bag containing arms and ammunition was found. The cache comprising one AK-56, short barrel, two AK magazines, 2 pistols, three pistol magazines, six hand grenade, 44 rounds of AK-47, 58 rounds of 9mm ammo and a sling was recovered.
Upon checking the abandoned vehicle a red coloured bag containing arms and ammunition was found. The cache comprising one AK-56, short barrel, two AK magazines, 2 pistols, three pistol magazines, six hand grenade, 44 rounds of AK-47, 58 rounds of 9mm ammo and a sling was recovered. A case under relevant sections of law has been registered in police station at Dooru in Anantnag in this regard. Police launched a man-hunt to nab the accused.
Also read: Jammu & Kashmir : Arms and ammunition recovered during raid in Pulwama