New Delhi:Armed Forces and scientists have emerged as the most trustworthy citizens in India, while politicians and advertising executives are the least, as work around sacrifice and service before self is revered by the Indians.
According to the Ipsos Global Trustworthiness Index 2021, Urban Indians trust the Armed forces (64 per cent) and scientists (64 64 per cent) the most followed by teachers (61 per cent) and doctors (58 per cent).
Interestingly, two years ago as well the survey brought the Armed Forces on the top with the only change now is that Corona period has uplifted the sentiments for scientists for their relentless work to find vaccines for the deadly virus.
When we look at the most trustworthy list of global citizens, doctors (64 per cent) emerged at the top on the Global Trustworthiness Index 2021, followed by scientists (61 per cent) and teachers (55 per cent), the survey said.
"The armed forces are trusted and revered by Indians as their whole aura and work is around sacrifice and service before self; defined by discipline and dedication in their contribution to the nation as they protect our frontiers. Likewise, scientists too have been corona warriors, working overtime to find appropriate vaccines to offset the resilient coronavirus; their contribution is being silently hailed by Indians, putting scientists at par with armed forces. Teachers and doctors, who too stepped up during the pandemic are placed 3rd and 4th in the trustworthiness index," says Amit Adarkar, CEO, Ipsos India.
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