Hyderabad: Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) working president K.T. Rama Rao on Tuesday wondered if the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) is above the law of the land. He was reacting to a report about VHP threatening to launch a battle against the Delhi Police if any action is taken against its activists in connection with the violence during a Hanuman Jayanti procession in Jahangirpuri. He also has asked Union Home Minister Amit Shah if he would tolerate outrageous nonsense against the Delhi Police.
"Are these guys above the law of the land & IPC Home Minister Amit Shah Ji?," asked Rama Rao through a tweet on Tuesday. "Will you tolerate such outrageous nonsense against Delhi police which reports to you directly?," asked KTR, as the TRS leader is popularly known. The VHP issued the threat after police registered an FIR against the organisers for taking out the procession without permission and arrested a local VHP leader.