Bhubaneswar: The Odisha Police have filed a 501-page charge sheet against lady blackmailer Archana Nag in the honey trapping case. The charge sheet was filed before the court of Junior Magistrate of First Class 3, Bhubaneswar. The case was pertaining to the complaint made in the Nayapalli Police Station by film producer Akshay Parija.
The charge sheet has been submitted against Nag under various sections of the IPC and the I-T Act. The Commissionerate Police will submit supplementary charge sheet against Nag after completion of the investigation, officials said.
Notably, Archana Nag was arrested based on the police complaint by Shradhanjali Behera, who had accused her of engaging women in the sex racket. Odia film producer Akshya Parija too had filed a police complaint against Nag and Behera accusing them of demanding extortion money of Rs 3 crore from him.
Earlier Odisha Police had seized assets worth Rs 30 crore from one Archana Nag who was recently arrested for allegedly honey trapping and blackmailing several people, including politicians and those from the film industry. Archana Nag's husband is also allegedly involved in her illegal activities. As per reports around 15 girls were involved in the racket which allegedly blackmailed and honey-trapped rich and influential people including politicians with the threat that their intimate pictures would be released to the public.