Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Tuesday asserted that the state government had a right to appoint Vice-Chancellors and reiterated that their government would continue to oppose both the NEET and the National Education Policy (NEP). Addressing a meeting of VCs of state-run varsities in Chennai, Stalin recalled that his government enacted a Bill in the Assembly to enable the state government to appoint Vice-Chancellors.
"This is an issue related to the state government's right, it is the right of government elected by the people, it is related to rights of state universities," he said. Hence, the functioning of state-run varsities and VCs should reflect the state government's policy decisions, the Chief Minister said. Reiterating the state government's opposition to NEET, he said it is the 'biggest injustice' of the century.
Opposing the NEP yet again, Stalin recalled the government constituting a committee led by retired Judge of the Madras High Court, D Murugesan, to formulate the State Education Policy (SEP). The Chief Minister said that this initiative of SEP is to build a society inspired by science. As per the Constitution, developing a scientific temper is a basic duty of every citizen.