Mumbai: The Saamana editorial has strongly criticized the recent Nagaland incident wherein 13 civilians were accidentally killed by the AFSPA as well as Home Minister Amit Shah for rendering mere apology over it. The editorial says that a just an apology is not enough to compensate for the lives of 13 innocent people and that the sin for their deaths is on the central government's shoulders.
The editorial further says that the civilians were killed because the officers deployed in Nagaland had received information that some perpetrators might enter the territory. Mistaking the civilians for the enemy, the officers fired shots and killed them. The article says that it's the fault of the intelligence services as much as it is of the soldiers who killed the civilians.
Although Home Minister Amit Shah has expressed regret over the incident and accepted that it was a mistake, the article speculates over the fact that if these 13 people were killed because of a 'mistake', how many more innocent people must have been killed so far from Kashmir to Nagaland because of such kind of 'mistakes'.
The article further states that many border areas have been declared as 'disturbed areas' and therefore security forces often get prompts from the intelligence services about the possible threats of rival plans. Therefore, the articles says, the emphasis should be on making the intelligence apparatus of the security forces more efficient.