Chittoor (Andhra Pradesh): Police in Andhra Pradesh rescued a four-year-old child from a forest in Kuppam. Mani and Kavitha's daughter Joshika (4), a resident of Nakkalagunta village in Kangundi panchayat suburb of Kuppam zone, went missing while playing outside their house on Saturday (April 16) evening.
Andhra Pradesh: Missing four-year-old found in forest after 36 hours
Mani and Kavitha's daughter Joshika (4), a resident of Nakkalagunta village in Kangundi panchayat suburb of Kuppam zone, went missing while playing outside their house on Saturday (April 16) evening. The four-year-old baby spent 36 hours bravely in the jungle and was rushed to a hospital for treatment for exhaustion from sunstroke.
The four-year-old baby spent 36 hours bravely in the jungle and was rushed to a hospital for treatment for exhaustion from sunstroke, CI Urban Sridhar said. Besides a few scratches on the arms and legs due to thorns, the child was relatively normal. Palamaneru DSP Gangaiah led an all-night search under the direction of District SP Rishant Reddy. The dog squad took the whiff of the girl's dress and searched to stop at the forest area.
Also read: Ailing baby dies as cops blocked road for Andhra minister's procession