New Delhi:Former Mumbai Police Assistant Inspector Sachin Waze, accused in the Antilia bomb case, on Monday challenged the decision to book him under UAPA (Unlawful Activities Prevention Act) in the Delhi High Court.
The central government, during the hearing, urged the HC to reject Waze's plea and to direct the latter to file the same in the Bombay High Court.
The Delhi High Court bench, headed by Justice Siddharth Mridul, questioned the petitioner's jurisdiction due to the matter being from Mumbai. It will hear the matter next on January 24.
Advocate Puneet Bali, appearing for Waze, argued that the Delhi HC had jurisdiction to hear the case as the sanction against Waze was ordered by Union Home Ministry located in Delhi.
Bali, citing a 2009 order by the High Court's Division Bench, said, "The Delhi High Court has the right to hear the matter".
Waze's prosecution started after his connection to the murder of auto part dealer Mansukh Hiren surfaced. The car laden with explosives found near industrialist Mukesh Ambani's house back in 2021 belonged to Hiren.
Also read:Waze was `high- performing, obedient' officer, ACP tells Chandiwal Commission