Jaipur: Jain monk Samarth Sagar, who was on a hunger strike against the Jharkhand government's decision of declaring 'Sammed Shikhar' a tourist destination, passed away on Friday. The Jain monk breathed his last in a Jain temple at Rajasthan's Sanganer. He was the second disciple of Virajit Acharya Sunil Sagar Maharaj who passed away following the indefinite fasting in protest of the state government's order regarding the holiest place of Jain culture.
Sammed Shekhar, the holy shrine in question, is situated on Parasnath hill in the Giridih district of Jharkhand. Following the protests by the Jain community, the Centre stayed its decision on Thursday. The Union Government further directed the State Government to act with immediate effect and prohibit tourist activities there.
Also read:Centre stays all tourism activities at holy Jain site 'Sammed Shikharji' in Jharkhand
The Environment Ministry issued a two-page letter, which read, " The implementation of the provisions of Clause-3 of the Eco Sensitive Zone Notification is immediately banned, which includes all other tourism and eco-tourism activities. The state government is directed to take all necessary steps immediately to ensure this." Along with this, liquor, non-vegetarian food, drugs, loud music, loudspeakers, carrying pets, unauthorized campaigns, and tracking have also been completely banned here.
However, two Jain monks, monk Sugyeyasagar Maharaj and monk Samarth Sagar, who were protesting by fasting unto death, lost their lives in the protest to safeguard the sanctity of the pilgrimage site. Monk Samarth Sagar was cremated 1:20 am. His final yatra was taken from Sanghi Ji Mandir to Virodh Nagar, where his last rites would be performed.