Dehradun:Amid the ongoing uproar against the killers of Ankita Bhandari and demands for capital punishment, ETV Bharat spoke to Ankit Arya, brother of prime accused Pulkit Arya. Ankit said he ended all relations with his brother a decade ago over some personal disputes.
"I had ended all my ties with Pulkit in 2009 only over some personal issue. Since then we used to have an interaction once in a while, otherwise, I had nothing to do with Pulkit. He used to look after his work and I used to look at mine. Currently, I have a factory in Imlikheda village of Bhagwanpur area in Roorkee," he said.
Also read:Ankita murder case: Pulkit Arya's father assures 'full cooperation'
Ankit said "the damage caused to our family, socially and politically after this case, can hardly be compensated for in a lifetime". "At present, I am also a son of Uttarakhand, my wife belongs to Uttarakhand. Despite this, we are deeply saddened by the things that are going on on social media and in society against us. We are not even able to disclose our location to anyone fearing our safety," he said.
Ankit said his entire family is being treated as culprits for the crime they didn't commit. "We all are upset with what Pulkit has done, as we all are getting punished for it, and no one is ready to talk to us. I just want to say that whoever is guilty, should be given the harshest punishment but for someone's crime, his family should not be treated like criminals," he said.