Mumbai:Rhea Kapoor and Karan Boolani's wedding festivities were reportedly a star-studded affair. Rhea's father, Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor greeted the media and included them in their celebration by distributing sweet boxes to them. As per reports while distributing the sweets, Anil could be seen wearing a navy blue kurta teamed with a white dhoti. He accessorised his outfits with pearl necklaces and was also seen wearing a mask for COVID protection.
Rhea's cousins Arjun Kapoor, Anshula Kapoor, Shanaya Kapoor, and Khushi Kapoor were reportedly spotted arriving at Anil's Juhu home on Saturday. As per reports, while, Shanaya and Khushi posed together looking stunning in ethnic lehengas, Arjun looked dashing in blue with Anshula looking stunning in a red saree. Separately, Rhea's cousin, actor Janhvi Kapoor teased her look for the reported wedding on her Instagram handle, looking stunning in a heavily embroidered lehenga. Janhvi also wore a statement diamond neckpiece with her sparkly lehenga.