New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Monday 'examined' two former commissioners of Mumbai police, Param Bir Singh and Sanjay Pandey in a bribery case against the former Home Minister of Maharashtra, Anil Deshmukh.
A senior CBI official confirmed that former commissioners of Mumbai police were summoned to join the investigation in the case against Anil Deshmukh where he had been accused of asking policemen to collect Rs 100 crores illegally for him every month from bar owners in Mumbai.
"The former police heads joined the investigation at CBI headquarters in Delhi where they were examined for around five hours by two separate CBI teams. Later, they were allowed to go. If required they will be asked to join the investigation again," CBI official told ANI. Earlier, Param Bir Singh had alleged that the then Maharashtra Police's Director General Sanjay Pandey asked him to take back his complaint against Anil Deshmukh and in return, he would settle inquiries against him.