New Delhi: The BJP's Kerala chief K Surendran said more leaders will follow former Union minister and Congress leader AK Antony's son, Anil Antony, to the saffron camp. Anil Anthony, who left the Congress earlier, formally joined the BJP on Thursday, in the presence of Union Ministers Piyush Goyal and V Muraleedharan. Surendran and senior party leaders Tarun Chugh and Anil Baluni were also present at his joining.
Speaking to ANI on Thursday, Surendran, to a question on whether Anil Anthony's joining would boost the BJP's prospects in the southern state and boost its acceptability among Christian voters, said, "AK Antony is senior Congress leader, who held key positions in the party. Today, his son Anil Antony took membership of the BJP. More Congress leaders will be joining BJP soon."
"Anil Antony is one of many Opposition leaders to have joined the BJP. Even the erudite and highly educated leaders in the Opppsition camp are now joining the BJP. We are apprpoaching several other leaders in the Congress and the Left to join us," he added.
Hoping for a better vote share in the southern state where the saffron party hasn't yet managed to any significant electoral inroads, the BJP state chief said, "Our vote share in Kerala wasn't much the last time. However, this time we hope to bag a bigger share of Christian votes as the Christian community has demonstrated that it has full faith in Modi-ji's work."
"We are running several campaigns in the state. The 'Happy Easter Ghar Ghar Chalo' campaign will be conducted across the state from April 9. During this campaign, we will make an effort to connect Christians with the BJP, which will significantly impact our vote share," he added.