Gonda (Uttar Pradesh):Defense Minister Rajnath Singh was caught in an embarrassing moment on Saturday when during a campaign rally in Uttar Pradesh, he had to face sloganeering from youth angry over lack of jobs. Amid the political campaign in Gonda, several youth among the audience raised slogans demanding jobs while Rajnath Singh was addressing the rally. Amid Singh's speech, a group of youth started shouting slogans like "Sena bharti chalu karo"(resume army recruitment) and "hamari maange poori karo" (fulfill our demands), which noticeably interrupted Singh's address to his audience.
Angry youth raise slogans, demand jobs in Rajnath Singh's rally After being interrupted, Rajnath Singh acknowledged the youngsters' slogans and tried to pacify the situation. He reassured them that their demands will be met and that 'their issues are also the government's issues'. "Your worry is ours too. There have been a few difficulties because of Coronavirus. But we will resume the recruitment soon," Singh said. The protestors let off some steam after his response and even shouted 'Bharat Mata ki Jai' along as prompted by the Defense Minister.
Meanwhile, Singh also claimed that the party will provide free gas cylinders on Diwali and Holi if voted to power again. "If voted to power in UP again, BJP Government will provide free LPG gas cylinder on the occasion of Holi and Diwali every year."
In the purview of the ongoing assembly elections that shall be conducted in seven phases in Uttar Pradesh, the BJP had promised jobs or self-employment opportunities to at least one member of each family in the state in its manifesto. However, in hindsight, statistical records revealed by the think tank CMIE show that in the last few years, the employment rate in the state has seen a steep dip. Though the authenticity of the data has been challenged by the BJP supporters across social media, many youngsters in the state have been complaining of several issues related to unemployment including a blockage in military recruitment and irregularities in government recruitment exams among others.
As the Assembly Elections 2022 in Uttar Pradesh continue to move ahead, two rounds of polling have been concluded while four more phases are yet to go to polls. Voting in the third phase of elections is scheduled on Sunday, wherein 59 Assembly seats in 16 districts go to polls.