Jaunpur (Uttar Pradesh):Angry villagers took to the streets and blocked the Tazuddinpur Chowk in the Jaunpur district of Uttar Pradesh on Thursday. The protesters demanded immediate action against the culprits as well as the installation of new statues of Babasaheb Ambedkar and Lord Buddha since the existing ones have been defiled.
Lord Buddha, Ambedkar statues defiled in UP's Jaunpur, villagers fume against authorities
Scores of villagers poured out on to the street on Thursday to protest the alleged vandalizing of the statues of Babasaheb Ambedkar and Lord Buddha at Tazuddinpur Chowk in Jaunpur district of Uttar Pradesh.
Madiyayon Circle Officer and Tehsildar along with the police force rushed to the spot to bring the situation under control. Officials from the administration pacified the crowd that the new statues will be installed soon.
The demonstration continued even after the arrival of officials from the administration and police. After assurance from the administration that the new statues will be installed soon, then only protesters returned to their homes. CO Sant Kumar, said, some miscreants vandalized the statues of Babasaheb Ambedkar and Lord Buddha. New statues will be installed. Search is on to nab the culprits.