Amaravati:Andhra Pradesh Finance Minister Buggana Rajendranath on Thursday tabled a Budget of Rs 2,79,279 crore for the financial year 2023-24 in the Legislative Assembly here. Of the total budget, Rs 54,228 crore has been allocated for direct benefit schemes (DBT), which include YSR Pension Kanuka getting Rs 21,435 crore, YSR Rythu Bharosa (Rs 4,020 crore), Jagananna Vidya Devena (Rs 2,842 crore) and Jagananna Vasati Devena (Rs 2,200 crore).
Other major DBT allocations are YSR Asara (Rs 6,700 crore), YSR Cheyuta (Rs 5,000 crore) and Amma Vodi (Rs 6,500 crore).
Also Read:AP Budget for 2022-23 to be presented on Friday amid cloud on fiscal management
Besides DBT schemes, Rajendranath has earmarked Rs 15,882 crore for Health & Family Welfare, Price Stabilisation Fund (Rs 3,000), Manabadi Nadu-Nedu (Rs 3,500 crore) and Panchayati Raj & Rural Development (Rs 15,873 crore). Likewise, the Budget allocated Rs 9,381 crore for the Municipal Administration & Urban Development, Scheduled Castes Component (Rs 20,005 crore), Scheduled Tribes Component (Rs 6,929 crore) and Backward Classes Component (Rs 38,605 crore).