Amaravati (Andhra Pradesh): Amid the ongoing heavy rains across several regions in the southern state, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy held a review meeting with the officials on Godavri floods and relief measures, informed the officials on Saturday. As per CM's instructions, ration supplies and daily essentials will be distributed on war footing to all flood-affected families.
"The Chief Minister directed them to distribute ration supplies on a war footing to all flood-affected families, which included 25 kg of rice, 1 kg of dal, 1 kg of potatoes, 1 kg of palm oil, and 1 kg of onions to every family. Also, he told them to provide Rs 2000 per family or Rs 1000 per victim while leaving the relief camps. He ordered the officials to report to him on the flood situation every hour," read a statement from Chief Minister's Office.
The CM also directed the officials to be vigilant and ensure that there should be no loss of life. The Chief Minister took note of the situation during the meeting and enquired about water inflows to the Godavari, evacuation of people, and other relief measures taking place and cautioned them to stay on high alert.