Amaravati: The CBI officials probing the murder of former Andhra Pradesh minister and Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy's uncle Viveka have allegedly received bomb threats, sources have said. As per the sources, the CBI personnel camping in Kadapa to probe the case have been threatened with bomb threats if they do not leave the area.
It is said that on May 8, a masked man intercepted a CBI vehicle on the old bypass and threatened the driver Valibasha who had gone to bring a food parcel for the officials, with a bomb threat if they did not leave from there to Vijayawada. The driver lodged a complaint with the Chinnachowk police over the incident.
The driver said the masked man had been observing the movements of another vehicle belonging to the CBI since last week. He further said in the complaint that the masked man had made another threat on June 6 at the high court. "Your games will continue as long as Devireddy Shivshankar Reddy is in jail. He has threatened to kill the CBI team if he goes out on bail," the CBI driver Valibasha quoted the miscreant in the complaint lodged with the police.
Kadapa Chinnachowk police registered a case on May 9 and started an investigation following a complaint by the CBI driver. CCTV footage of the vehicle intercepted by the assailant is also being examined.
Also Read: Vivekananda Reddy murder case: accused-turned-approver makes more shocking revelations