Visakhapatnam: Police seized Rs 3 crore cash from a car on the highway at the Nakkapalli Mandal kagita toll plaza in the Anakapalli district on Monday. Police conducted a search operation at the toll plaza and found cash in three bags in the car. Srinivasa Rao, a resident of Tanuku in West Godavari district, was arrested and his car was seized as he was unable to provide any documents for carrying the cash.
Andhra Pradesh: Anakapalli police seized Rs 3 crore cash
Police said that the cash was being taken from Vemaraju in Anakapalle to Padmanabhan in Amalapuram. Tanuku CI Narayana Rao said that a case has been lodged and further investigation is going on.
Andhra Pradesh: Anakapalli police seized Rs 3 crore cash
Police said that the cash was being taken from Vemaraju in Anakapalle to Padmanabhan in Amalapuram. Tanuku CI Narayana Rao said that a case has been lodged and further investigation is going on.
Also read:Rs 5 crore seized from car near Chennai, cash linked to Andhra jeweller