Hyderabad: A man from Rajahmundry was arrested for allegedly defrauding 1000 women of Rs 10 crore in Telangana capital Hyderabad. It is said that the accused Vamsi Krishna, hailing from Ramachandra Rao Peta, East Godavari district in AP, came to Hyderabad in 2014 after completing his B Tech. After getting a job in Hyderabad, he became addicted to betting in horse racing and cricket incurring heavy debts after losing out on the bets.
Consequently, he indulged in crimes like cheating, and fraud. As per police, the youth has cheated on 1000 women including girls and widows, and looted Rs 10 crores from them in a span of 6 years. Cyberabad police led by Police Commissioner Stephen Ravindra worked for two months to arrest him.
As per the police, the accused worked at the Kukatpally Vibes Hotel for two years. While working there, he started betting with friends over horse racing and cricket. He joined the Travel-Consultancy office six years ago as an employee and took large sums of money in return for jobs for people. He was arrested by the Kukatpally police, but he was soon out of jail.