Bengaluru: Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra on Tuesday reacted to the incident of humiliation of a farmer at a Mahindra showroom in Tumakuru district in Karnataka, underlining that upholding the dignity of an individual is the core value of the company. Mahindra took to Twitter to make his stand clear with regard to the incident of the staff of the Mahindra showroom insulting a farmer who came to buy a Bolero pick-up vehicle.
The field officer had reportedly told the farmer, Kempe Gowda, that he didn't have even Rs 10. Gowda then arranged Rs 10 lakh in just 30 minutes and slammed the showroom staffers for the differential treatment meted out to him for his appearance.
Anand Mahindra tweeted, "The Core Purpose of @MahindraRise is to enable our communities & all stakeholders to Rise. And a key Core Value is to uphold the Dignity of the Individual. Any aberration from this philosophy will be addressed with great urgency." He also tagged a tweet by Mahindra and Mahindra CEO Veejay Nakra.
Gowda, a farmer from Ramanapalya near Hebbur town, taught the employees of the Mahindra showroom a lesson that they should not judge a person by his clothes. The farmer was insulted by staff when he went to the showroom to purchase a pick-up vehicle. After being insulted, he arranged Rs 10 lakh in 30 minutes and demanded delivery on the same day.
Also read:Salesman at Mahindra showroom in Karnataka paid back in the same coin for insulting farmer