Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir):An 18-year old Anam Nasir (Annie-her stage name) has been enthralling the people with her rap. She already has a good number of followers as she has been rapping since she was seven-year-old. Although at first, she took up rap as a hobby, after learning the basics of rap formally, now rap became a craze for her after so many of her songs have been gaining fame.
Last year, the rapper uploaded the first video on her YouTube channel called 'Last Ride', which she made in memory of a friend, who died in a motorcycle accident and her effort was highly appreciated. Anam, a resident of central district Budgam, studying bachelor's degree. She balances both her studies and passion.
She mostly tries to wrap the scattered fabric of society in her words and then rap it into music. The rapper is currently working on her new video, which will soon be available to her fans. Woman rapper in Kashmir is very new and there are very few performers, especially women, in this genre. She has also performed at various events in the state. Rap is the music of resistance for Black American artists that have been gaining popularity around the world.