New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah will give a statement on the Nagaland firing incident in both the Houses of Parliament on Monday. Some Naga youth were reportedly killed at Oting village in Mon district of Nagaland on Saturday when they were allegedly fired at by security forces, who suspected them to be militants.
As a result, enraged villagers torched vehicles of security forces while some people were reportedly shot when security forces opened fire to control them. Nagaland Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio on Sunday ordered a high-level investigation into the reported killings of civilians by security forces. Similarly, the government has formed a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to investigate the incident.
It may be recalled that the Indian Army has expressed its regret over the incident. A day after the incident, the State government prohibited all mobile internet, data services, bulk SMS of all providers in the entire area of Mon district with immediate effect. The Union Home Minister expressed anguish over the incident and conveyed condolences to bereaved families.