New Delhi: Union Home Minister, Amit Shah, is likely to attend some public programs during his two-day visit to West Bengal beginning from Thursday, officials said. From flagging off a floating boat ambulance to laying of Maitri Museum, the Home Minister is scheduled to attend six public events during his visit to the West Bengal. Shah will flag off of floating boat ambulance at 10 am on Thursday at Floating Border Outpost (BoP) Sutluj in West Bengal.
He will later lay the foundation stone of the Maitri Museum and attend Prahari Sammelan at around 11:45 am at BOP Haridaspur in the state. The Home Minister's day-long engagement will culminate on Thursday with a public meeting he will attend at 6:15 pm at Railway institute sports ground in West Bengal's Siliguri. On Friday, the Home Minister will visit Teen Bigha and interact with Border Security Force (BSF) personnel at BoP Jhikabari at around 9:30 am in West Bengal's Cooch Behar district.