Bengaluru: Karnataka BJP was abuzz with party activities with the arrival of Home Minister Amith Shah here on Friday to pay tributes to Sivakumara Swamiji on the occasion of his 115th birth anniversary at the Siddhganga Mutt in Tumkur. After the completion of the Assembly polls in five states, Central leaders are concentring on the south, especially Karnataka as the Assembly polls are slated for 2023.
The BJP State Core Committee meeting will be held at the party office at Malleswaram at 6 pm today. At the meeting, it is learnt that Amit Shah would speak on the current state of affairs in the state as well as changes to be made in the party and the government. For that reason, there is curiosity and anxiety among the party leaders, who are aspiring for Cabinet berths and party posts.
Read:Rahul Gandhi, Amit Shah to visit Karnataka today
BJP leaders feel that there is no reason to postpone the Cabinet reshuffle as all five state Assembly elections have already ended, so aspirants are waiting for the good news after Ugadi. It is heard in BJP circles that Amit Shah and Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai could make a clear statement at the meeting on the Cabinet reshuffle. With only a year left to the state Assembly elections, Shah is likely to give instructions to the party leaders on how to bring the BJP back to power in the state.
Meanwhile, Rahul Gandhi paid a visit to Puneeth Raj Kumar's residence after attending the Siddhaganga Mutt programme in Tumkur today and paid homage to the portrait of Puneet. He consoled Ashwini Puneet Rajkumar and Raghavendra Raj Kumar. Rahul Gandhi later will return to Bengaluru in the evening and hold a meeting with Congress leaders in the party's new building on Friday. Rahul will also address Congress leaders at the KPCC Auditorium in Bengaluru on Saturday at 10.30 am. AICC General Secretary KC Venugopal, Randeep Singh Surjewala and KPCC president DK Gopalakrishnan will also be present.