Kannauj (UP): The Income Tax Department on Friday raided the premises on Samajwadi Party MLC and perfume baron Pushpraj Jain 'Pampi' in Uttar Pradesh's Kannuaj while simultaneously carrying out similar operations in several cities in India.
The raids follow ones carried out by Director General of GST Intelligence (DGGI) in Uttar Pradesh in the last week in which it had unearthed crores in the house of businessman Piyush Jain even as the opposition had alleged the operation was a case of 'mistaken identity' since Piyush and Pushpraj carried the same last name, were in the same business, and lived in the same city.
On Friday morning, a series of raids, according to sources, were simultaneously conducted by the Income Tax department at the residence of Pushpraj Jain, another perfume trader in the city, as well as other locations in Kanpur, Bombay, Surat, and Dindigul (Tamil Nadu).
Pushpraj Jain, who deals in the perfumery compounds business and had recently launched Samajwadi Perfume, is considered a close accomplice to SP's Akhilesh Yadav.
Akhilesh is scheduled to hold a press conference at the SP office in Kannauj, amid concerns over this raid at the MLC's premises.
As soon as the news of the I-T raid spread, a number of SP workers gathered outside Jain's house.