Mumbai: Amid the ongoing loudspeaker row in Maharashtra, Chairman Jamia Masjid Mumbai, Shoaib Khateeb has said that they are working on a mobile application to hear the call for the prayer on the cellphone. “Today, the technology has advanced so much. There is a need to make use of it so that the azaan reaches every household.
God willing, a time will come, when the Muazzin gives the call, you will hear it on your phone. We are working on that. Jamia Masjid Mumbai Trust will soon come up with such an app. Now that you have banned loudspeakers, we will have to find a way out. We will find it soon,” Khateeb told ETV Bharat.
Khateeb further said that the management which administers around 80 mosques in the city is strictly adhering to the directive to not use loudspeakers from 10 pm till 6 am as per the Supreme Court guidelines. “We have always abided by the law, whether it was Ayodhya verdict, triple talaq or hijab row. We also ensure that the sound is also well within the permitted decibel range”.