Jammu: The Amarnath Yatra on Friday has been suspended from Jammu due to due inclement weather and bad condition on Jammu-Srinagar national highway, officials said. No fresh batch was allowed to proceed from here to the base camps of the 3,880-metre-high cave shrine in south Kashmir Himalayas, they said.
The highway was reopened for one-way traffic on Thursday night after its closure due to landslides and shooting stones triggered by heavy rain at several places in Ramban district, officials said. "The yatra has been suspended from Jammu for onward journey to Amarnath in view of the bad condition of highway and inclement weather conditions, a yatra management officer told the media here.
Earlier, Amarnath Yatra was suspended from Jammu due to bad weather on July 10 and resumed on July 11. Authorities may allow yatra from Jammu in late afternoon in case highway become fully operational and conducive for vehicular traffic, officials said.