Chandigarh:Denying reports stating that the newly-appointed Punjab Congress president Navjot Singh Sidhu is likely to meet Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh, Captain's media advisor Raveen Thukral on Tuesday said that the CM will not meet Sidhu till he publicly apologises for his personally derogatory social media attacks against him. "Reports of Navjot Singh Sidhu seeking time to meet Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh are totally false. No time has been sought. No change in the stance. The Chief Minister will not meet Sidhu till he publicly apologises for his personally derogatory social media attacks against him," said Singh's media advisor in a tweet yesterday.
Earlier, senior Punjab Cabinet Minister Brahm Mohindra had welcomed the appointment of Navjot Singh Sidhu as the Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee (PPCC) president but ruled out a personal meeting with him till he resolves his issues with the Punjab Chief Minister. In a statement issued here, Brahm Mohindra said the decision to appoint Sidhu had been taken by the high command and is welcomed.