New Delhi: Aam Admi Party (AAP) MP Sanjay Singh on Friday said in Rajya Sabha that MPs should contribute Rs. 5 crores each from their MPLADS for rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits. Lashing out at the BJP, he asked what has the Union Government done for Kashmiri Pandits in the last seven years. "What steps has the government taken in the last seven years to rehabilitate Kashmiri Pandits? We should discuss that...please pass a resolution in the House, every member should give his MPLAD fund of Rs 5 crore for the rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits. I am ready for that," said Singh.
Accusing the BJP of inaction when the Kashmiri Pandits were forced to leave Jammu and Kashmir, the AAP MP said that when the Pandits were thrown out from the valley in 1989, BJP remained silent despite being part of the government. "In 1989, when pandits were thrown out of the state, BJP was part of the government at Centre. When the pandits were being beaten up and forced to leave, you (BJP) were part of the government and you were silent. History cannot be forgotten, your party member Jagmohan was the Governor of J&K," he said.