Chennai: Tamil Nadu has not relaxed the COVID-19 protocols when compared to other states and with the surge in new infections, all the existing standard operating procedures will be followed in schools with educational institutions set to reopen on Monday after being shut for summer vacation, Tamil Nadu Minister Ma Subramanian said.
The minister for health and family welfare on Sunday appealed to the people to adhere to COVID-19 behaviour in public places, including wearing a facial mask and maintaining social distancing, stating that 10 people have died across India due to coronavirus and it is needless to think that the country has come out of the pandemic.
After inspecting a vaccination camp in neighbouring Avadi as part of the health department's initiative to hold mass vaccination exercise across the state on Sunday, Subramanian said though there has been a decline in new coronavirus cases, the Tamil Nadu government did not lift the relaxations while certain states announced some easing of restrictions following the COVID-19 protocols.
"With schools set to resume tomorrow (after shutting for summer vacation) in Tamil Nadu, all the existing COVID-19 protocols will be followed...," he told reporters responding to a query. Tamil Nadu, after reporting a decline in new coronavirus infections, has been witnessing a surge in cases over the last week and as on Saturday 217 people have tested positive, pushing the tally to 34,57,133 till date in the state.