Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh): The Chinese-made manjha (thread) slit the throat of the 22-year-old Harendra Kumar while he was crossing the Meenakshi bridge in the Aligarh district of Uttar Pradesh, police sources said on Friday. The youth sustained the injury in his neck and was rushed to a hospital where his condition was stated to be stable, added the source. Manoj Kumar, the brother of the victim, said, "My brother was coming from our relative's house and while crossing the Meenakshi bridge the Chinese thread slit his throat. He was taken to a trauma centre where a doctor stitched his wound."
Aligarh youth sustains injury as Chinese manjha slits his throat
A 22-year-old youth sustained a fatal injury due to the Chinese manjha while crossing a bridge with his mother. The incident occurred on Friday under Quarsi police station limits in the Aligarh district of Uttar Pradesh.
Read:Chinese manjha claims life of four-year-old girl in Delhi
After the incident a large number of people assembled at the spot. People took the injured to a trauma centre where his condition was stated to be stable. Doctors performed surgery to save the youth's life. Some of the local people opined that despite the imposition of a ban on Chinese manjha, the administration is not taking steps to put a curb on the use of dangerous thread while flying kites. "Occurrence of such incidents has gone up despite ban on Chinese thread," they added.