Aligarh:The Hijab row that had flared its way across the country from Karnataka has still retained itself in Aligarh where students are being asked to strictly stick to the uniform codes, refraining them from covering their faces, wearing a hijab or even saffron clothes in the academic campuses. A notice in the same regard has been issued by the Principal of Sri Varshney College in Aligarh, making it mandatory for the students to follow the recommended dress code.
Aligarh college strictly bans Hijab and Saffron, issues fresh dress-code notice The issued dress code mandates them to wear a white salwar, light grey kurta, white dupatta, or grey saree with a white blouse for the female students. While black pants with light purple shirts with a light brown coat or sweater are mandated for the male students. Students pursuing law in the college are given a dress code comprising black pants and a white shirt, along with a black coat or sweater.
The notice also makes it clear that no one overlooking the dress code will be allowed to enter the college premises. The proctor of the college, Roli Aggarwal, said that the notice is a reminder to the students. "The dress code has been mentioned in the prospectus of the institute. Nobody reads the prospectus and the students come to college wearing anything. We have issued the notice to make them aware of the rules to be followed," she said.
Welcoming this decision, college students Kalpana Kumari and Nidhi Varshney said that the students should abide by the dress code to maintain a singular identity of being associated with the college. The Disciplinary Officer of the college, Dr. Veena Upadhyay also opined that it has been high time that students stop ignoring the rules, and this notice is a subtle reminder.
Also read:Hijab row leads to confrontation between two Karnataka colleges