Hyderabad: A consumer court in Hyderabad imposed a fine of Rs 50,000 on telecom company Airtel for "negligently" billing a man with a whopping Rs 1,41,770 for international roaming. Retired Wing Commander Samar Chaktravarthi, who resides at the JalVayu towers in the Lower Tank Bund in Hyderabad, and his wife wanted to go to the Bahamas. He approached Bharti Airtel for international roaming services. Samar said he told Airtel's service center staff in Begumpet that he had been using the postpaid service since 2014.
The staff, as per Samar, told him that the network will work in the Bahamas if he uses the America Plan-B service. Samar reached New Jersey on June 27th, 2018, and recharged the sim with the said plan of Rs 3,999+Rs 149 pack. While he got the message that 500 outgoing calls, 5GB of data, unlimited SMS, and incoming calls are applicable for the pack, Samar complained to the service center that he had been repeatedly disconnected from receiving international roaming services several times since the new plan was activated.