Jodhpur:The District Consumer Protection Commission has imposed a fine of Rs 50,000 on SpiceJet Airlines for leaving the luggage in Jaipur despite the passenger leaving on the plane from Jaipur to reach Dubai. The airlines did not hold themselves responsible for the incident under the Carriage by Air Act but the Commission took the penalty keeping in view the rules of the Act being applicable only to cargo ships and not applicable to passenger aircraft and other matters.
However, the airlines objected to the hearing of the matter on behalf of the commission, stating that it was not in their jurisdiction but the commission wrote in its decision that the passenger had booked the ticket from Jodhpur. Hence it was considered adjudicating. Commission member Anand Singh Solanki said that Dr Deepak Bhandari and Sukhraj Bhandari, residents of Pratapnagar, before boarding a SpiceJet plane to Dubai on March 22, 2017, handed over three suitcases and bags to the airline staff. Once the flight reached Dubai, he contacted the airport to collect the bag and was told that his luggage was left in Jaipur.