New Delhi:A Delhi court on Saturday took cognisance of the chargesheets filed by the CBI and the ED against former Union minister P Chidambaram and his son Karti in the Aircel-Maxis case and summoned them on December 20.
Special Judge MK Nagpal passed the order after noting that there was sufficient evidence to summon Chidambaram and the other accused in the corruption and money-laundering cases lodged by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Enforcement Directorate (ED) respectively.
The CBI and ED had earlier informed the court that letters rogatory were sent to the United Kingdom and Singapore, seeking certain information regarding the probe, and there were some developments in that regard.
Letters rogatory are formal communication in writing sent by the court in which action is pending to a foreign court, requesting judicial assistance.
Also Read:Karti Chidambaram: Both Aircel-Maxis and INX cases are non-cases
The most common remedies sought by letters rogatory are service of process and the taking of evidence.