New Delhi: Police on Tuesday recorded the statements of two crew members of the Air India flight on which a man allegedly urinated on an elderly woman co-passenger, officials said. Delhi Police had summoned nine crew members of the flight and all of them have now recorded their statements, they said.
The crew members were to join the probe on Monday but were not in Delhi, they said. "Statements of the two crew members on board the alleged Air India flight on November 26 were recorded on Tuesday. In their statements, the duo narrated the sequence of event that unfolded on the day of incident," said a senior police officer.
Police are also trying to approach other passengers who were on the flight to get their statements, they said. The statements of the crew members will help establish the sequence of events, he added. According to police, the accused, Shankar Mishra, allegedly urinated on a woman co-passenger in an inebriated condition in the business class of the Air India flight from New York to Delhi on November 26 last year.